Intro to Character Design

Intro to Character Design

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Assignment #2- Family of Six

Congratulations, you have been hired by SCHOLASTIC MEDIA, one of the worlds leader in children books and illustration!

Design a family consisting 6:   mom, dad, son, sister, annoying uncle or aunt, and household pet.
You can add extra pets or family members if you like.

Please use same principles as school kids assignment, using shape variation and different heights.


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Assignment #1- Group of School Kids- Elementary, Middle School

Design a group of 5 friends in elementary or middle school.

They need to be themed as Gnome, Viking, Medieval, Scandinavian or Germanic can add props. can add a theme. they can be in a different time period.
Any other questions...please email or ask me.

Character Design Intervention- Proportions Demo

Reference for you

Themed Ideas 





other Forest Creatures


Other related creatures

FACE Samples

Create face studies of 5 characters who are school friends, either elementary, middle school, or high school.

They should all be different...think about the body styles as well!