Intro to Character Design

Intro to Character Design

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Assignment 3 - Character Turn Around


Pick a character that you have already designed in this class (must be human), and start sketching an Orthographic turn as indicated in the reference below.  Always start with Primary orthographic turns, then we will move to the perspective turns once the orthographic turns are complete.

There are 2 sets-

-1st set is Orthographic front view, side view, and rear view with no depth at the feet or indication of perspective.
-2nd set is Perspective Turn Around  drawing with a Horizon Line in the middle or lower segment of the body ( waste to knees) displaying : how the feet turn in perspective, depth of overlapping shapes, and construction in perspective.

Your character needs to have legs, arms, and a head. Stay simple. Avoid complex characters and over detailed characters. Your just beginning, take it easy.

Start with trace lines, then draw the construction of shapes first. Detail is always last!! Always!!


Turn Around Basics

Perspective Turn Around

Here are samples of an orthographic turn around.
(Please note how the legs and parts of the body are not seen in a 3-dimensional perspective.)
1. Start with a center-line on your character.
2. Draw the horizontal trace lines on a separate layer.
3. Draw in the core basics shapes.
4. Add in line detail.
5. Add in secondary details for hair, outfit, etc.

Step One- Creating the upside down"Y" pose of a character for the orthographic view.

tTese assignments are the orthographic and perspective view.


What not to do!!

Good Samples in a perspective view,

Use simple shapes detail!!




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